Jacob Edwards

Jacob Edwards

Jacob Edwards has Poe’s Imp of the Perverse on his shoulder and so is a keen (if cringing) observer of the world. He has given advice to Colin Hay, David Bowie, Alanis Morissette and Hannibal — none of whom took it — and posts everyday poems to his Facebook page. (Thus you may like and/or follow or ignore him with copacetic ease.) When not critiquing real life, Jacob immerses himself in the acid bath of modern day cinema: an experience he does not recommend, quite vehemently, in Lemon Moon Review. (‘Buy it now,’ he implores. ‘It’s cheaper than counselling.’) In December 2004, inspired by Phileas Fogg and a certain movie starring Dan Aykroyd and John Belushi, Jacob and his brother set out to visit and borrow from all thirty-two of Brisbane’s libraries in a nine-to-five working day. This madcap endeavour, Jacob maintains, says something highly profound about (a) libraries, (b) filmmaking, and (c) the aforementioned Imp of the Perverse, which looms large throughout and now is thought to be in possession of a four-wheel drive. For the gruesome minutiae of Jacob’s writerly back catalogue — of which the Library Challenge forms but one entry — please visit the author’s official website. To his eternal shame, Jacob now tweets @ToastyVogon.


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