Tag: Anthony Berkeley

Murder in the Basement

Murder in the Basement

by Anthony Berkeley (Doubleday, Doran & Company, 1932)

audiobook read by Seán Barrett (Soundings, 2021)

Book cover: “Murder in the Basement” by Anthony Berkeley (Doubleday, Doran & Company, 1932); audiobook read by Seán Barrett (Soundings, 2021)

An experiment in form, which sees what appears at first a straightforward murder investigation proceed by way of a fictional manuscript within-story. Unfortunately, this manuscript’s narrative is one that Sheringham himself admits to having grown bored with and abandoned—for good reason!

Jumping Jenny

Jumping Jenny

by Anthony Berkeley (Hodder & Stoughton, 1933)

audiobook read by Seán Barrett (Soundings, 2022)

Book cover: “Jumping Jenny” by Anthony Berkeley (Hodder & Stoughton, 1933); audiobook read by Seán Barrett (Soundings, 2022)

Musing upon what looks to be a house-party suicide, prominent amateur detective Roger Sheringham, present from the outset, indulges one fancy too many and accidentally implicates himself as prime suspect in a murder! A droll study in dramatic irony and narrative doctoring.

The Poisoned Chocolates Case

The Poisoned Chocolates Case

by Anthony Berkeley (Collins, 1929)

audiobook read by Gordon Griffin (Isis, 2017)

Book cover: “The Poisoned Chocolates Case” by Anthony Berkeley (Collins, 1929); audiobook read by Gordon Griffin (Isis, 2017)

Berkeley employs a Detectives Club scenario to take a sly dig at the mystery genre, proffering several very plausible solutions to a murder by poisoning. While the protagonists aren’t as amusing as he seems to think, this remains a very good read.

Derelict Space Sheep