Tag: Gordon Griffin

The Sussex Downs Murder

The Sussex Downs Murder

by John Bude (Skeffington & Sons, 1936)

audiobook read by Gordon Griffin (Soundings, 2015)

Book cover: “The Sussex Downs Murder” by John Bude (Skeffington & Sons, 1936); audiobook read by Gordon Griffin (Soundings, 2015)

Middling at best. While the murder turns out to be cleverly conceived (as Bude has his characters point out, no doubt feeling very pleased with himself), its unravelling is as cack-handed as the prose is uninspired. Superintendent Meredith is rather like dishwater.

Antidote to Venom

Antidote to Venom

by Freeman Wills Crofts (Hodder and Stoughton, 1938)

audiobook read by Gordon Griffin (Soundings, 2015)

Book cover: “Antidote to Venom” by Freeman Wills Crofts (Hodder and Stoughton, 1938); audiobook read by Gordon Griffin (Soundings, 2015)

A remarkably long and tedious book. Crofts spends the first half establishing the unlikable viewpoint character and his motivation for murder. Even once this occurs, Inspector French is held back until the final third. No suspense, let alone mystery, just utter banality.

The Poisoned Chocolates Case

The Poisoned Chocolates Case

by Anthony Berkeley (Collins, 1929)

audiobook read by Gordon Griffin (Isis, 2017)

Book cover: “The Poisoned Chocolates Case” by Anthony Berkeley (Collins, 1929); audiobook read by Gordon Griffin (Isis, 2017)

Berkeley employs a Detectives Club scenario to take a sly dig at the mystery genre, proffering several very plausible solutions to a murder by poisoning. While the protagonists aren’t as amusing as he seems to think, this remains a very good read.

Derelict Space Sheep