Tag: Nils-Olof Franzen

Agaton Sax and the Cashless Billionaires

Agaton Sax and the Cashless Billionaires

by Nils-Olof Franzén; trans. Kenton Hall; ill. Mike Bryson (Oak Tree Books, 2022)

Book cover: “Agaton Sax and the Cashless Billionaires” by Nils-Olof Franzén; trans. Kenton Hall; ill. Mike Bryson (Oak Tree Books, 2022)

Good, lively fun to begin with, though degenerating into a tangled mess that Agaton Sax plays no real part in unravelling (save an explanation in retrospect). It’s easy to see why Franzén wasn’t entirely satisfied with this instalment, and left it untranslated.

Agaton Sax and the Max Brothers

Agaton Sax and the Max Brothers

by Nils-Olof Franzén; ill. Quentin Blake (Andre Deutsch, 1970) [also published as “Agaton Sax and the Bank Robbers”]

Book cover: “Agaton Sax and the Max Brothers” by Nils-Olof Franzén; ill. Quentin Blake (Andre Deutsch, 1970) [also published as “Agaton Sax and the Bank Robbers”]

Assured and often droll (especially the conversations) but lacking the madcap joie de vivre of other Agaton Sax capers. The great detective’s secretive master-plan lacks the usual proactiveness—he and Lispington mostly trail after the crooks, indulging them until an unlikely denouement.

Derelict Space Sheep