Tag: Jonathan Morris

Missy: The Belly of the Beast

Missy: The Belly of the Beast

by Jonathan Morris (Big Finish, 2019)

Missy_Belly Beast

A well-acted story with a callous, slightly loop premise and Caves of Androzani vibes (treated with uncommon restraint by the Big Finish effects department). Though perfectly enjoyable, this does rather feel as if Morris dusted off an old script featuring the Rani.



Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon

Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon

(Big Finish, 2019)

Rose Tyler Dimension Cannon

Rose’s quest across the multiverse begins with two wonderfully melancholic stories before losing its way trying to force the intrinsic emotion of the doomsday scenario (particularly when relying on minor characters resurrected from Russell T Davies’ Rose novelisation). Nevertheless a welcome return.


★★★★☆ The Endless Night by Jonathan Morris

★★★★☆ The Flood by Lisa McMullin

★★★☆☆ Ghost Machines by AK Benedict

★★☆☆☆ The Last Party on Earth by Matt Fitton



The Black Archive #30: The Dalek Invasion of Earth

The Black Archive #30: The Dalek Invasion of Earth

by Jonathan Morris (Obverse Books, 2019)

Morris_Black Archive 30

A bit light on actual analysis but nevertheless an impressive piece of research, comparing different iterations of The Dalek Invasion of Earth (both televised and film versions at script, broadcast and even novelisation level) to establish who was responsible for which elements.



Doctor Who: The Paradox Planet

Doctor Who: The Paradox Planet

by Jonathan Morris (Big Finish, 2016)

Morris_Paradox Planet

Disappointingly, this story is not self-contained but rather one of a separately issued brace. The titular paradox, though inventive, is thus hard to gauge. Character-wise, Romana seems overly supercilious and the Doctor a bit too faux-affable (yet without the underlying moral authority).