Tag: Rose Tyler

Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon

Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon

(Big Finish, 2019)

Rose Tyler Dimension Cannon

Rose’s quest across the multiverse begins with two wonderfully melancholic stories before losing its way trying to force the intrinsic emotion of the doomsday scenario (particularly when relying on minor characters resurrected from Russell T Davies’ Rose novelisation). Nevertheless a welcome return.


★★★★☆ The Endless Night by Jonathan Morris

★★★★☆ The Flood by Lisa McMullin

★★★☆☆ Ghost Machines by AK Benedict

★★☆☆☆ The Last Party on Earth by Matt Fitton



Doctor Who: The Silver Turk

Doctor Who: The Silver Turk

by Marc Platt (Big Finish, 2011)

Platt_Silver Turk

Mary Shelley encounters badly damaged Cybermen; thus, Frankenstein. The idea would later find its way to television in The Haunting of Villa Diodati (2020), but Mary also echoes Rose Tyler’s empathy from Dalek (2005), the resonances circling back through TV and literature.



Doctor Who: The Price of Paradise

Doctor Who: The Price of Paradise

by Colin Brake; audiobook read by Shaun Dingwall (BBC Audio, 2006)

Brake_Price of Paradise

A competent SF story that captures the Tenth Doctor and Rose quite well. Through the Paradise Planet and her guardians, Blake works in a meaningful idea rather than the ‘slapdash make a monster hash of it’ approach of many other Who writers.