Tag: 42 Word Reviews

Star Wars: Honor Among Thieves

Star Wars: Honor Among Thieves

by James S. A. Corey (Century, 2014)

Corey_Honor Among Thieves

“Enough Banter,” Scarlet says. “Focus now.” But this admonishment comes three-fifths of the way through and has no discernible effect on the (openly nom de plumed) authors. Their novel-length burst of glib humour succeeds only in rendering Han Solo lightweight and facile.

42 Word Review: The Frood by Jem Roberts

The Frood: The Authorised and Very Official History of Douglas Adams & The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

by Jem Roberts (Preface Publishing, 2014)

Roberts_The Frood

The Frood begins with Douglas Adams testing a Nutrimatic-compatible interviewing robot on himself, thereby proselytising the superfluity of book introductions. It ends by pulling the ring-tab on several canned iterations of Life, the Universe and Everything. The bits in-between are mostly harmless.