Tag: Alejandro Amenabar

The Others

The Others

dir. Alejandro Amenábar (2001)

Film poster: The Others, dir. Alejandro Amenábar (2001)

Writer-director Alejandro Amenábar crafts a clever and suspenseful psychological drama that derives much of its unsettling tension from nuanced performances by Fionnula Flanagan and young Alakina Mann. The premise, however, is not without inconsistencies and the score (Amenábar again!) is rather heavy-handed.

Doctor Who: The Empty House

Doctor Who: The Empty House

by Simon Guerrier (BBC, 2013); audiobook read by Raquel Cassidy

Guerrier_Empty House

Guerrier’s well-executed Eleventh Doctor novelette puts a new spin on some old Doctor Who tropes. (New to Who, that is; in the time-honoured tradition of gothic homage this one is rather reminiscent of Alejandro Amenábar’s The Others, which incidentally featured Christopher Eccleston.)