Tag: audio drama

Doctor Who: The Dark Husband

Doctor Who: The Dark Husband

by David Quantick (Big Finish, 2008)

Quantick_Dark Husband

Whereas humour in Doctor Who has always worked best in moderation, Quantick can’t seem to help himself: the jokes never relent, meaning that the Doctor, Ace and Hex are constantly, frivolously undercutting the drama. Thus a potentially intriguing SF tale is stillborn.


Doctor Who: The Sandman

Doctor Who: The Sandman

by Simon A. Forward (Big Finish, 2002)

Forward_The Sandman

A nice SF concept, which affords plenty of scope for the Sixth Doctor’s almost bipolar swings between compassion and firewalled ‘otherness’. Colin Baker once again shows that he could have been great if given something to work with by JNT and company.


Doctor Who: The Dying Light

Doctor Who: The Dying Light

by Nick Wallace (Big Finish, 2013)

Wallace_Dying Light

The ever-young Frazer Hines delights in narrating and playing both himself and the Doctor, but despite his best efforts this adventure feels abridged. The Dying Light exhibits a wondrous complexity better suited to a novel-length treatment, not merely a single audio cd.


Doctor Who and the Pirates

Doctor Who and the Pirates

by Jacqueline Rayner (Big Finish, 2003)

Rayner_Doctor Who and the Pirates

A bizarre audio drama, featuring an explicitly unreliable narrator (the story’s telling is itself the mystery) and Bill Oddie in gleeful Ecky Thump pirate mode. The third quarter sees Colin Baker and Co. drop into a full-on musical of the high seas.


Derelict Space Sheep