Tag: audiobooks

Finn Family Moomintroll

Finn Family Moomintroll

by Tove Jansson, trans. Elizabeth Portch (BBC Audiobooks, 2002/2008) [first published by Hugo Gebers Förlag as “Trollkarlens hatt”, 1949]

Jansson_Finn Family Moomintroll

Where England has The Wind in the Willows, Finland has the Moomins: anthropomorphised animals whose bucolic, lazy afternoon adventures offer the reader a contentedness beyond mere plot arcs and perils. Hugh Laurie is the perfect voice artist for bringing them to life.


Doctor Who: Dead Air

Doctor Who: Dead Air

by James Goss (BBC Audio, 2010)

Goss_Dead Air

Doctor Who meets The Boat That Rocked: a creepy tale somewhat at odds with the drollness of its recounting – an extended Tenth Doctor monologue in which David Tennant (sublime and Scottish in other readings) sounds like Bill Nighy crossed with Arnold Rimmer.