Tag: Axos

Doctor Who: Quantum of Axos

Doctor Who: Quantum of Axos (Tenth Doctor, Classic Companions)

by Roy Gill (Big Finish, 2022)

Audio adventure cover: “Doctor Who: Quantum of Axos (Tenth Doctor, Classic Companions)” by Roy Gill (Big Finish, 2022)

The story isn’t particularly gripping but there’s a good dose of ‘new nostalgia’ in hearing the Tenth Doctor meet up with Ace (in modern times Dorothy McShane). Ace remains one of the best-developed Doctor Who companions and Sophie Aldred plays her beautifully.

Doctor Who: The Feast of Axos

Doctor Who: The Feast of Axos

by Mike Maddox (Big Finish, 2011)

Maddox_Feast Axos

This remarkably non-gratuitous sequel tempers the Sixth Doctor’s usual bombast with UNIT-era realism and gives Colin Baker something to work with for once. The script verges on proper SF and the characters have reasonable motivations. Even the aliens are allowed some dignity!



Derelict Space Sheep