Tag: Baker Street Irregulars

The Ghost Grabbers

The Ghost Grabbers

by Terrance Dicks (Blackie, 1980)

Book cover: “The Ghost Grabbers” by Terrance Dicks (Blackie, 1980)

After much build-up as to how realistic the so-called hauntings are, the ease of their fabrication is then glossed over. The multifaceted misdirection is clever enough so far as MG goes, but the scheme is at once painfully transparent and laughably overcomplicated.

The Baker Street Four, Vol. 1

The Baker Street Four, Vol. 1

by J. B. Djian & Olivier Legrand; ill. David Etien; trans. Mark Bence (Insight, 2017

first published as “Les Quatre de Baker Street vol. 1” (Editions Glénat, 2009)

Book cover: “The Baker Street Four, Vol. 1” by J. B. Djian & Olivier Legrand; ill. David Etien; trans. Mark Bence (Insight, 2017); first published as “Les Quatre de Baker Street vol. 1” (Editions Glénat, 2009)

A thick volume containing two adventures of Sherlockian street kids Billy, Charlie, Tom (and cat). The stories are nothing special but the art is rather splendid, foregrounding the characters and rendering London’s East End with a grimy palette and considerable background detail.

The Fagin File

The Fagin File

by Terrance Dicks (Blackie & Son, 1978)

Dicks_Fagin File

A slight, rather hurried volume, even by Dicks’s standards. The narrative chops about more than it did in the first Baker Street Irregulars mystery, and the investigation is something of a doddle. For a middle-grade adventure, though, the stakes are surprisingly adult.



Derelict Space Sheep