Tag: Dan Rabarts

Teeth of the Wolf

Teeth of the Wolf

by Dan Rabarts & Lee Murray (Raw Dog Screaming Press, 2018)

Rabarts_Murray_Teeth Wolf

Rabarts and Murray go from strength to strength in this second instalment, blending SF, Horror and Mystery in a murky, not-quite-dystopian New Zealand setting. Again, the story alternates between Penny and Matiu, two disparate but—to the authors’ credit—evenly balanced protagonists.



Hounds of the Underworld

Hounds of the Underworld

by Dan Rabarts and Lee Murray (Raw Dog Screaming Press, 2017)

Rabarts_Murray_Hounds of the Underworld

An understated but engrossing SF murder mystery set in rundown near-future New Zealand. What starts as a character study—pairing up and alternating between Penny, a straight-laced scientific consultant, and Matiu, her dissident brother, both of Chinese-Maori descent—blossoms into supernatural horror.



Derelict Space Sheep