Tag: FBI

The Blacklist, Season 2

The Blacklist, Season 2

created by Jon Bokenkamp (2014-2015)

Bokenkamp_Blacklist 2

James Spader takes up where he left off as the manipulative but morally ambiguous Raymond Reddington, a charismatic criminal who has forged a relationship with and within an FBI black ops taskforce. The plotline compels even while approaching the incredulity event horizon.


The Blacklist, Season One

The Blacklist, Season 1

created by Jon Bokenkamp (2013-2014)

Bokenkamp_Blacklist 1

The Blacklist succeeds thanks largely to a recrudescent James Spader, who in playing Machiavellian crime broker Raymond Reddington manages to be at once openly patronising of the FBI’s flatfooted excesses and, we might suspect, quietly scathing of American crime drama in general.

Derelict Space Sheep