Tag: Groundhog Day

Russian Doll, Season 1

Russian Doll, Season 1

(Netflix, 2019)

Russian Doll 1

Groundhog Day meets Sliding Doors, only darker. Russian Doll is jarringly self-indulgent in the early episodes but comes into its own once the glorification of New York eases off (allowing for a proper exploration of concept). Natasha Lyonne rocks the lead role.



The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

by Stuart Turton (Raven, 2018); audiobook read by Jot Davies (Bolinda, 2018)

Turton_Seven Deaths Evelyn Hardcastle

The combination of body-swapping protagonist and Groundhog Day recurrence makes for an intricate, shifting tangle of a murder mystery. The plot is skilfully woven overall yet clumsy in places, and becomes overlong as Turton works towards a purpose beyond his original premise.



Eureka, Season 3

Eureka, Season 3

created by Andrew Cosby & Jaime Paglia (Sci-Fi Channel, 2008-2009)

Eureka_Season 3

Eureka’s format affords plenty of scope for reworking science fiction tropes — such as ‘I Do Over’, a higher stakes Groundhog Day — with the daily peril kept bubbling along by a cosy regular cast and an idiosyncratic procession of guest stars. Alan Ruck!


Derelict Space Sheep