Tag: H P Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft: He Who Wrote in the Darkness

H. P. Lovecraft: He Who Wrote in the Darkness

by Alex Nikolavitch; ill. Gervasio, Carlos Aón & Lara Lee (Pegasus Books, 2018)

Book cover: “H. P. Lovecraft: He Who Wrote in the Darkness” by Alex Nikolavitch; ill. Gervasio, Carlos Aón & Lara Lee (Pegasus Books, 2018)

Lovecraft himself is evocatively drawn and Nikolavitch sets out with creative intent, incorporating H.P.’s imaginings into reality. As the biography proceeds, however, it reveals itself as little more than a fan tribute preaching to the converted. There is little to interest non-aficionados.

At the Mountains of Madness

At the Mountains of Madness

by H. P. Lovecraft (Arkham House, 1936); audiobook read by Edward Hermann (Blackstone, 2013)

Lovecraft_Mountains of Madness

Sometimes the best horror stems from meticulous attention to detail in a real-world setting. Other times not. Lovecraft’s first-person narrator bemires himself in minutiae and in talking up the unspeakableness of what he is perennially about to relate. More soporific than horrific.



Derelict Space Sheep