Tag: Ian Potter

The Black Archive #65: The Myth Makers

The Black Archive #65: The Myth Makers

by Ian Potter (Obverse Books, 2023)

Book cover: “The Black Archive #65: The Myth Makers” by Ian Potter (Obverse Books, 2023)

A deeply researched study in authorship. Potter debunks production myths, compares iterations of text, and reconstructs the development of The Myth Makers from commissioning to recording. While the detailed biography of writer Donald Cotton is especially welcome, numerous typos undermine the scholarship.

Doctor Who: The Bounty of Ceres

Doctor Who: The Bounty of Ceres

by Ian Potter (Big Finish, 2014)

Potter_Bounty Ceres

Potter captures the feel and pace of a First Doctor adventure but affords companions Steven and Vicki some much-needed depth, elevating them from plot-driven stand-ins to genuine characters. Peter Purves is excellent as Steven (and channels William Hartnell also in well-pitched homage).



Derelict Space Sheep