Tag: Justin Richards

Jago & Lightfoot & Strax: The Haunting

Jago & Lightfoot & Strax: The Haunting

by Justin Richards (Big Finish, 2015)

Richards_Jago Litefoot Strax

A lightweight but very funny adventure. Just as they supported the Fourth Doctor in The Talons of Weng-Chiang, here Victorian pathologist Professor Lightfoot and theatre impresario Henry Gordon Jago afford Strax (the gung-ho, incomparably befuddled Moffat-era Sontaran) a lease on the limelight.



Doctor Who: Legends of Ashildr

Doctor Who: Legends of Ashildr

by James Goss, David Llewellyn, Jenny T. Colgan & Justin Richards (BBC, 2015)

Goss_Llewellyn_Colgan_Richards_Legends of Ashildr

A shameless, mostly unreadable cash-in. Of the four stories in this collection, only Colgan’s could claim anything like independent worth. In the other tales, Ashildr is either unrecognisable (Goss), superfluous (Llewellyn), or bland (Richards). Uninspiring narratives that fritter away Ashildr’s unique potential.



Doctor Who: Let it Snow

Doctor Who: Let it Snow (Tales of Trenzalore #1)

by Justin Richards (Woodlands Books, 2014); audiobook read by David Troughton (Bolinda, 2015)

Richards_Let it Snow

The first of several stories exploring the Eleventh Doctor’s centuries-long defence of Trenzalore (as per the 2013 Christmas Special). Justin Richards does a good job setting the scene, and the Ice Warriors are a fitting choice to bring stomping through the snow.



Derelict Space Sheep