Tag: Kami Garcia

Teen Titans: Beast Boy

Teen Titans: Beast Boy

by Kami Garcia; ill. Gabriel Picolo (DC Comics, 2020)

Book cover: “Teen Titans: Beast Boy” by Kami Garcia; ill. Gabriel Picolo (DC Comics, 2020)

A perfectly respectable exploration of school social pressures and YA problems, though Gar is a bit cringeworthy (ameliorated, thankfully, by Stella and Tank) and his Beast Boy aspect comes late on the scene. Picolo’s art captures the mood without over-cluttering the story.


Teen Titans: Raven

Teen Titans: Raven

by Kami Garcia; ill. Gabriel Picolo (DC Comics, 2019)

Book cover: “Teen Titans: Raven” by Kami Garcia; ill. Gabriel Picolo (DC Comics, 2019)

Straightforward storytelling with more focus on everyday(ish) teen life than Raven’s dark powers. Picolo’s artwork complements this approach. Raven and Max exude personality, and the washed-out colour scheme (almost black-and-white) is very effective, affording Raven extra character through occasional splashes of purple.

Derelict Space Sheep