Tag: Lisa Bowerman

Doctor Who: The World Tree

Doctor Who: The World Tree

by Nick Slawicz; read by Lisa Bowerman (Big Finish, 2022)

Audiobook cover: “Doctor Who: The World Tree” by Nick Slawicz; read by Lisa Bowerman (Big Finish, 2022)

A single-note story but one that carries its premise well. Slawicz captures the Eleventh Doctor’s warmth and his childlike yet ageless appreciation of everyday people and their inherent worth as individuals. Nora Wicker is a believable character, ably portrayed by Lisa Bowerman.

Doctor Who: Survival

Doctor Who: Survival

by Rona Munro (Target, 1990); audiobook read by Lisa Bowerman (BBC Audio, 2018)


The Target range of Doctor Who books for the most part offered mere echoes of the televised serials. Survival is something of an exception, Rona Munro turning her scripts into a straightforward but effective novel operating free of the story’s on-screen limitations.



Derelict Space Sheep