Tag: Missy

Missy: The Belly of the Beast

Missy: The Belly of the Beast

by Jonathan Morris (Big Finish, 2019)

Missy_Belly Beast

A well-acted story with a callous, slightly loop premise and Caves of Androzani vibes (treated with uncommon restraint by the Big Finish effects department). Though perfectly enjoyable, this does rather feel as if Morris dusted off an old script featuring the Rani.



Missy: The Broken Clock

Missy: The Broken Clock

by Nev Fountain (Big Finish, 2019)

Missy_Broken Clock

Nev Fountain certainly isn’t afraid to try something different. Here we’re given a faux- cheesy American reconstruction of an impossible historical murder spree laced with metatextual fourth-wall breakings (themselves explained in-story). Though it’s clever and fun, fake fakeness still sounds risibly fake.



Missy: A Spoonful of Mayhem

Missy: A Spoonful of Mayhem

by Roy Gill (Big Finish, 2019)

Missy_Spoonful of Mayhem

A well-considered introduction to the series, stripping Missy of her ability to kill and thereby transforming her from Machiavellian villain to insouciant anti-hero. She’s even given two temporary companions who are held in thrall to her mystique (much like the Doctor’s are).



Dr. Twelfth

Dr. Twelfth

by Adam Hargreaves (Penguin, 2017)

Hargreaves_Dr Twelfth

One of Hargreaves’ better efforts. The Doctor succeeds in foiling Missy’s convoluted and nefarious plan—without understanding it or allowing her to explicate! His insouciance is a nice touch but, even so, the story fails to live up to the cover’s allure.



Derelict Space Sheep