Tag: Rocky Horror Picture Show

Shock Treatment

Shock Treatment

dir. Jim Sharman (1981)

Sharman_Shock Treatment

Despite some quality songs and strong vocal performances, the artificiality of the society being satirised makes this Rocky Horror Picture Show sequel hard to engage with. The quirky cult appeal is there but — lacking the stage-driven evolution of its predecessor — feels undeveloped.


Still the Beast is Feeding: Forty Years of Rocky Horror

Still the Beast is Feeding: Forty Years of Rocky Horror

by Rob Bagnall & Phil Barden (Telos, 2013)

Bagnall_Barden_Still the Beast is Feeding

An overtly fannish (mostly in a good way, though sometimes belaboured) depiction of the Rocky Horror Show’s genesis and metamorphoses — the production was cocooned in film and reborn numerous times on stage amidst a mounting scourge of audience participation — across four decades.

Derelict Space Sheep