Tag: Serenity



dir. Joss Whedon (2005)

Film poster: “Serenity” dir. Joss Whedon (2005)

A semi-decent attempt at a self-contained big-screen continuation of the cancelled TV series Firefly, lacking most of its humour (and dancing on the edge of a limited budget) but featuring the same cast and offering a modicum of closure for its fans.

Serenity: Those Left Behind

Serenity: Those Left Behind

by Joss Whedon & Brett Matthews; art by Will Conrad (Dark Horse, 2006)

Serenity_Those Left Behind

After its senseless and premature demise, cult classic TV series Firefly saw life again as the feature film Serenity, and as a series of graphic novels. This slim volume has a storyline and visuals wistfully reminiscent of the dearly departed dystopian free-for-all.



Derelict Space Sheep