Tag: Sontarans

Doctor Who: War of the Sontarans

Doctor Who—Flux, Chapter 2: War of the Sontarans

by Chris Chibnall (2021)

Flux 2_War of the Sontarans

Flux evinces lessons learnt from the Key to Time season arc, embedding the big picture more cohesively within its component parts. Chapter 2 sees Dan go from strength to strength, and rehabilitates the Sontarans somewhat (though still playing them mainly for laughs).



Dr. Tenth

Dr. Tenth

by Adam Hargreaves (BBC, 2018)

Hargreaves_Dr Tenth

The Doctor’s adults-only wardrobe notwithstanding, Hargreaves captures the Tennant persona quite well (in looks, attitude and voice). The Humpty Dumpty Sontaran is also not the worst, though as usual Hargreaves drafts at least one gross infelicity into the story. Cue the Ogron…



Derelict Space Sheep