Tag: Star Wars

Doctor Aphra: Fortune and Fate

Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, Vol. 1: Fortune and Fate

by Alyssa Wong; ill. Marika Cresta (Marvel, 2021)

Graphic novel cover: “Star Wars: Doctor Aphra, Vol. 1: Fortune and Fate” by Alyssa Wong; ill. Marika Cresta (Marvel, 2021)

Serviceable archaeological adventure. Aphra seems a fairly overt attempt to create a female Han Solo (with some Indiana Jones thrown in). Her antihero shtick would count for more if everyone else weren’t also double-crossing each other. Nice blend of murk and colour.

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters

Star Wars Vol. 3: War of the Bounty Hunters

by Charles Soule; ill. Ramon Rosanas (Marvel, 2021)

Graphic novel cover: “Star Wars Vol. 3: War of the Bounty Hunters” by Charles Soule; ill. Ramon Rosanas (Marvel, 2021) [ISBN: 9781302920807]

Several interlocked stories set between Episodes V and VI but rendered somewhat disjointed through tying in with other volumes also titled ‘War of the Bounty Hunters’. Lots of involvement from the core protagonists (decent likenesses). Dark, busy artwork. Passable as a standalone.

The Madalorian, Season 1

The Madalorian, Season 1

(Disney+, 2019)

Series poster: “The Madalorian, Season 1” (Disney+, 2019)

Cinematic-level production. The story is straightforward yet bolstered by the trademark Star Wars attention to background detail. The support cast is compelling and likewise the titular Mandalorian—remarkably so, as he remains masked throughout while protecting an alien baby who doesn’t speak!

Star Wars: Skywalker Strikes

Star Wars: Skywalker Strikes

by Jason Aaron; ill. John Cassaday (Marvel, 2015)

Book cover: “Star Wars: Skywalker Strikes” by Jason Aaron; ill. John Cassaday (Marvel, 2015)

A direct continuation from A New Hope, featuring all the major players and the same blend of banter, spectacle, SF backdrop and genuinely exciting adventure. The illustrations are glossy with a tendency towards imperial grey and space black. Plenty of action scenes.

Star Wars Holiday Special

Star Wars Holiday Special

dir. Steve Binder (1978)

Binder_Star Wars Holiday Special

Christmas programming is traditionally stultifying but there remains a whole generation of youngsters who never recovered from this feature-length Star Wars variety-show-cum-amateur-theatre-production fever dream. Unfathomable in conception, execrable in execution; just all-round unendurable (save the 10-minute Captain Kremmen-style animation introducing Boba Fett).



Star Wars: Dark Disciple

Star Wars: Dark Disciple

by Christie Golden (Lucas Books, 2015); audiobook read by Marc Thompson (Penguin Random House Audio, 2015)

Golden_Dark Disciple

Golden’s epic, refreshingly linear and focussed dark-side narrative suffers from gargantuan plot holes, and is cheapened in the audiobook by an ever-present soundscape and stock effects that force drama down the listener’s throat (likewise Thompson’s ‘telling it to a 6-year-old’ reading style).



Derelict Space Sheep