Tag: Tatiana Maslany

Orphan Black, Series 2

Orphan Black, Series 2

(Space, 2014)

TV poster: “Orphan Black, Series 2” (Space, 2014)

More of the same. Tatiana Maslany is quite remarkable playing all the lead roles. Jordan Gavaris offers able support. The plot remains intriguing in any given moment but never leads anywhere, instead treading water, circling its premise and calling out ‘Marco Polo!’

Cas & Dylan

Cas & Dylan

dir. Jason Priestly (2013)

Cas & Dylan

Richard Dreyfuss (Cas) and Tatiana Maslany (Dylan) make the most of two larger-than-life characters pitched together on an improbable road trip across Canada. Beneath its patter, the film is gently amusing rather than out-and-out funny, and trends towards heartfelt at the end.



Orphan Black, Series 1

Orphan Black, Series 1

(Space, 2013)

Orphan Black 1

A tense and intriguing SF drama. The cloning premise allows Tatiana Maslany to play four main characters (plus several minor), all of which are distinct and convincing. Jordan Gavaris offers good support but the plot progression across episodes smacks of writerly extemporisation.



Derelict Space Sheep