Tag: thriller

The Gun Seller

The Gun Seller

by Hugh Laurie (Heinemann, 1996)

Laurie_The Gun Seller

Hugh Laurie is a funny man, and his only novel to date — a cynical, conversational, fourth-wall-breaking take on the conspiracy/thriller genre, submitted pseudonymously to the publisher — is very witty, very British, and a very accomplished romp, boldly self-deprecating where Bourne only bores.


Utopia, Series 1

Utopia, Series 1

created by Dennis Kelly (BBC, 2013)

Utopia 1

Brought together by their love of the dark graphic novel Utopia, a ragtag group of enthusiasts find themselves on the run and in possession of the sequel, a coded manuscript being tracked by powerful psychopathic agencies. A slick, overly violent conspiracy thriller.


Derelict Space Sheep