Tag: weeping angels

Dr. Eleventh

Dr. Eleventh

by Adam Hargreaves (BBC, 2017)

Hargreaves_Dr Eleventh

Hargreaves, in his usual clumsy way, has Matt Smith’s Doctor and River Song run a pointless gamut of monsters… but can only think of three (Zygons, Silurians, Weeping Angels) before resorting to snakes and spiders! The ending is as tiresome as ever.



Doctor Who: The Lost Angel

Doctor Who: The Lost Angel

by George Mann & Cavan Scott; audiobook read by Kerry Shale (BBC, 2017)

Mann_Scott_Lost Angel

The Weeping Angels, like the Daleks before them, have faded from show-defining monsters into one-dimensional ho-hum tripe. The bits with the Doctor work well enough — as one would expect — but whenever he’s absent the writing, characters and scenario simply fail to engage.



Derelict Space Sheep