Category: Publications and Reviews Thereof

Crossbones and Skulls

To celebrate the one month publication anniversary of Sirens, Derelict Space Sheep is proud to announce Crossbones and Skulls, a brace of pirate and zombie stories by Simon Messingham; consisting of:


  1. Captain Maclean’s Grave
  2. Dead of the Day


Crossbones and Skulls


Crossbones and Skulls is available for purchase separately, or as a bonus publication when buying Sirens from the Gumroad store (epub) (mobi) (pdf).




Sirens released!

Without warning, without explanation, two hundred human beings on Earth simultaneously gained a new mental ability that would alter the planet forever. They called the power The Glamour and its recipients Sirens…


It’s official: Simon Messingham’s new novel has arrived!



The authorities called it The Moment.


Incisive; original; darkly satirical: Sirens is available here in hardcover and as an e-book — a remarkable cautionary tale of absolute power and its inevitable consequences.


You’re going to love Anthony. You’d better.



Sirens Publication Date Set

Derelict Space Sheep is pleased to announce the forthcoming release of Sirens, an original novel by Simon Messingham.


cover art by Emily Coelli

cover art by Emily Coelli


The authorities called it The Moment.


Without warning, without explanation, two hundred human beings on Earth simultaneously gained a new mental ability that would alter the planet forever. They called the power The Glamour and its recipients Sirens.


Alien invasion? Divine intervention? Evolution? Before anyone could work it out, it was too late.


Anthony Graves didn’t want to be a Siren. He just wanted to be liked. Once a shy, suburban London office worker, five years on he is ruler of Europe and responsible for the deaths of millions.


To fight loneliness, Anthony writes his life story. The result is Sirens; a black comedy of how a Nobody unwittingly became an all-powerful tyrant.


Sirens is satire on a global scale; a cautionary tale of absolute power and its inevitable consequences.


You’re going to love Anthony. You’d better.


Simon Messingham is the author of eight novels for the BBC’s Doctor Who range. Sirens is due for release on 18 April 2017.




1,024 Word Review: Doctor Who Series 8

Unflinching Beyond Midnight

(The Derelict Space Sheep Review of Doctor Who Series 8)


Never one to shy away from the sort of perilous escapade made famous by Danger Mouse and Penfold, Arthur Graeme Smith has ventured into Fish Fingers & Custard to review Peter Capaldi’s first season of Doctor Who.



Arthur’s review appears in FF&C #16, which is available in print or as a (free) .pdf download.

Crumbs, you might well say. Ooh, ‘eck!



Lemon Moon Review #1 Crests the Hill


It’s official: today we launch our first publication!


Break out the champagne; sorry, the French-style sparkling wine. (And if the French ever grow macadamias, they’d bloody well better refer to them as Australian-style brown nuts.) The good ship DSS is bobbing up and down in the drinking trough, not sinking and being stared at by several almost-curious cows. Presenting:


Lemon Moon Review #1: Sisyphean Night Off

by Jacob Edwards

Lemon Moon Review #1 (by Jacob Edwards)

A collection of twenty-five film reviews, marinated — no, lambasted — in scathing wit and served up as a healthy alternative to actually viewing those movies yourself. (Or, if it’s too late, as shared therapy; you’re not alone.)


Jacob Edwards is to cinematic speculative fiction what Pliny the Elder was to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius: rather too curious for his own good. His critiques form a cautionary tale. His words rail against the hot ash and pumice.


With cover art by Inna Basman, Lemon Moon Review #1 is a coffee table book for the ages (‘Propping up the wonky leg,’ Jacob suggests); or an e-book for the age of virtual coffee. It is, truly, a triumph of Sisyphean endeavour.


Check it out today! (Or tomorrow; it’ll still be here.)


DSS Publication Launches

Derelict Space Sheep