Tag: Death

The End of the Day

The End of the Day

by Claire North (Orbit, 2017)

North_End of the Day

A poignant dip into humanity’s ills and ailments (beautifully written though spoiled somewhat by all the interspersed conversational snippets). North does ultimately answer the question ‘What is Death?’ but the journey is gruelling and the protagonist has less personality than a window.



Reaper Man

Reaper Man

by Terry Pratchett (Gollancz, 1991); audiobook read by Nigel Planer (Transworld, 1995)

Pratchett_Reaper Man

Having given Death a personality, Pratchett next postulated the consequences of him having to die. Since this was still quite early in the Discworld saga, the result is mostly comedic mayhem (although Death’s relationship with Miss Flitworth is both sweet and philosophical).





by Terry Pratchett (Victor Gollancz, 1987); audiobook read by Nigel Planer (Isis, 1995)


Mort is the book with which Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series turned from imaginative curiosity to comedic fantasy par excellence. The plot is atypically focussed for Pratchett, and Death (who in a mid-life crisis takes on an apprentice) becomes an instant fan favourite.





by Ian Watson (Gollancz, 1981)


In attempting to cure his patient’s delusions, death guide Jim Todhunter must confront the possibility that Death is a creature to be captured and caged. Deathhunter combines slightly cumbersome world building with trippy existential ideas. It’s SF styled with a 1980s twist.



Derelict Space Sheep