Tag: Iris Wildthyme

Doctor Who: The Wormery

Doctor Who: The Wormery

by Paul Magrs & Stephen Cole (Big Finish, 2003)


The experimental storytelling doesn’t always pay dividends, but at least the writers aren’t stuck on the bog-standard. Colin Baker holds himself in fine fettle (and is afforded an uncommon depth of character). Former Pertwee-era companion Katy Manning runs rampant as Iris Wildthyme.



Doctor Who: Find and Replace

Doctor Who: The Companion Chronicles – Find and Replace

by Paul Magrs (Big Finish, 2010)

Magrs_Find Replace

This short, tightly plotted story makes clever use of both Huxley (an alien narrator) and Iris Wildthyme (quasi Time Lady, owner of a transdimensional bus) in transporting Jo Grant back to the 70s and giving her one last scene with the Doctor.



Derelict Space Sheep